Why We Do What We Do

I couldn't wait to get home today and share with you about what happened to me at my club in Gilroy. Today I met a lady that reminded me why I am in the business of saving lives. I've been in the health and fitness industry for 20 years and have had the pleasure of meeting thousands of people that want to get in shape, and of course some that needed it but didn't want to go through the pain. The meeting today brought me back to why we, here in the fitness business do what we do.

A lady walked up to me today and asked if I was the owner. Even though I am a positive person, my first reaction was, ‘Oh Boy,’ I was going to get an ear full. To my surprise, her exact words were, “Your gym has saved my life.” I smiled and asked her to tell me more.

She proceeded to tell me how she had not worked out for over 20 years and the day she walked into my club 4 months ago might have been the worst day of her life. Something had brought her to my club that day. She then said it was due to the friendly young man (Jim, one of my staff members) that showed her around and convinced her she had no more time to just think about joining. Because you see, she had been thinking about it for over 3 years and it wasn't until that day about 4 months ago that she got the courage to walk into the club.

As Jim talked with her, she made every excuse in the book not to commit so she could walk out of the gym without joining. To Jim’s credit, he knew if she walked out that day she might never get the courage to come back. He encouraged her to get out of her comfort zone and do what was right for her health, happiness and overall well being.

Today, the good news is she has lost over 20 lbs and feels like she’s 10 years younger. She has even found a boyfriend and planning a trip to Hawaii this summer! She eagerly told me she's already bought the bikini she is going to wear.

Sometime we need to get out of our comfort zone and have people challenge us to make a decision that might not be the most comfortable. Don't live life in the slow lane all the time, sometimes you need to veer into the fast lane and be pushed, just like this courageous lady did.

Remember… “Your gym membership is a cheap form of great entertainment!”

Enthusiastically yours,

Joe Gigantino Jr





1 comment:

  1. I agree! I've had this same experience several times :)
