Make This Your Season for Renewal

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." – ANAIS NIN

Recently I was walking through some streets in New York City. It seemed quite chilly for April as I adjusted my scarf around my neck. Passing by different Brownstones, I noticed frozen plants everywhere – dead looking vines hanging from window sills and brown foliage around the base of trees hundreds of years old. But then I noticed new plant life spurting up from the ground, seemingly random in the midst of the dead plant life - almost to say, “look at me – I’m new, I am small, but I am full of life.” Turning the corner, I saw trees bursting with beautiful spring blossoms that exploded with color on what seemed like an otherwise bleak morning.

Springtime is my favorite time of year. It represents a time of renewal, rebirth, new life and rejuvenation As Easter just passed, many celebrated a time of new life. A friend of mine recently shared a story about her daughter who just gave birth to her first child. Witnessing new life coming into the world is truly a miracle. A child is nurtured from the time of conception and once he is born, even more nurturing takes place. The cycle of life is interesting - the anticipation builds up throughout the months, and once that new life is brought forth – whether it’s a small plant, a flower, or even a child – it is one of amazement.

We all want to be nurtured to some degree; however, just as much as we want to be nurtured, we must nurture ourselves. You may have fallen behind on resolutions that you made in January and you’re thinking to yourself – “Why bother – it’s already the middle of April.” However, every day you step forward by doing something positive to improve your health, you make a huge difference not only now, but in later life as quality years are added. Just as that new blade breaks through the hardened ground to eventually become a flourishing plant, you too can break through your procrastination of becoming a fitter you.

Let this be your season of new life and new beginnings. As you know by now, it is my passion and purpose to help others in their quest for fitness. You only have one body, but you have lots of opportunities to treat that body as it deserves. I encourage you to “spring forth” to a healthier you – I’m here to help encourage and provide options for a fitness plan that will work uniquely for you.


Joe Gigantino Jr.
"A gym membership is a cheap form of great entertainment."

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