Create your Own Stimulus Package by Giving

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. ~ Albert Einstein

The price of gasoline is slowly creeping back up, bank-owned homes are still flooding our neighborhoods, and high school and college students are lining up for summer jobs. Many restaurants and higher-end retail stores continue to pull out of their leases. I’m not going to get on my bandwagon and give my two cents about what the government is or isn’t doing to stimulate the economy. Rather, I ask myself, what can I be doing – me alone. How can I make a difference?

While these troubling times are seeing people hold on to what they have or take the mindset “my four and no more,” it’s time to look beyond ourselves. Rather than look at what we don’t have, why not take inventory of the many blessings in our lives that we do have and share them with others? And I’m not talking about doing things with a big arrow pointing to yourself saying, “Hey, look at me. I’m so generous, I’m doing something wonderful!” Paying forward to others from your own blessings shouldn’t just be the popular thing of the day, but rather a lifestyle.

This reminds me of the Starbucks “Pay it Forward” chain in Sacramento last year when a woman who was in the drive-thru went to pay for her coffee at the window, and she was told that the person in front of her taken care of it. This, in turn, caused the woman to do the same for the person behind her, resulting in a 109 car pay it forward chain! I’m sure that there are thousands of these types of random acts of kindness that have gone unpublicized. Imagine the woman who started it all and how she suddenly opened herself up to an outpouring of blessings in her life. That’s the way it works – doing something nice, without expecting anything in return just creates the right energy to attract good things your way.

It seems that often national tragedies or disasters are what it takes to bring people together. I still hear how New York City is a different place since 9-11 where people united together without those walls that kept them apart before; same thing with Hurricane Katrina. Do we need another disaster or “Great Depression” to cause us to see outside of ourselves? Many say we are in another Great Depression, and who’s to say we are or aren’t. But the point being - when we look outside of ourselves, we open ourselves up to a whole new avenue of opportunity that may otherwise remain dormant.

Someone will always be hurting worse than you. Why not ask yourself - what can I do to make a difference in someone’s life today? What do I have that I can share with others – maybe it’s just a smile to someone you pass on the street. That smile may be just the thing that gives that person hope in an otherwise gloomy day, creating a desire within them to smile at someone else.

I hope this message inspires you to start your own pay it forward campaign and do your part in stimulating not just the economy, but stimulating the lives of others. Are you doing everything you can with what you’ve been given? Maybe you have some gifts and talents others around you would love to be a part of. Why not become a beacon to others by mentoring someone who is interested in learning more about your gifts and talents?

To be that positive light, you’ll need to stimulate wellness in your own life. Our bodies were created with everything necessary to thrive; but it’s our own lifestyle choices that can make the difference in whether we are walking in health or not. Let me stimulate your thinking today to treat your body with the proper nutrients, nurturing, and fitness program designed for you. I want to pay forward, not only my knowledge in the health and fitness industry, but also my gift of encouragement.

Why not ask yourself today, “How can I pay forward my talents or simply my good fortune?” I’d love to hear from you on how you are paying it forward – maybe you’ll inspire someone else with your ideas. The results could create a chain that can make a difference in not only your life, but in the lives of others.


  1. What a great message to pay forward! Thanks for that!

    ~ H

  2. What a wonderful world this would be if everyone paid it forward!! I volunteer weekly for a personal growth seminar company. I also do some pro bono work for start up businesses to help them get started. Just a few examples of the things I do to pay it forward.

  3. Great post, Joe. Keep up the inspiration.

    Chris McNeil

  4. you are so right Joe...paying it forward is something that everyone can do and it means so much to every recipient. Love your blog. :) Sheree
    I invite you to check out mine

  5. Joe,
    Thanks for such a great post! Now is the time when little things mean so much! People are so needy that every little thing we do has such a ripple effect.

    I hope that others will read this and be insipired to take the time to make a difference, no matter how small they think it is.

  6. Thanks so much for all your feedback...

    What a great way to pay it forward Karen! I'm sure so many are blessed by what you do.

    Thanks Sheree - I did great blog!

  7. Grear post! I'll do my best! Thanks
