Workout for today - Friday

Happy Friday! Looking forward to a beautiful weekend... I always get inspired when I see my most favorite place here, beautiful Santa Barbara, I want to be there!

Today, we will work the back with another Tabata work out (intense 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 4 minutes)

- Warm up
; a 10 minute jump rope

- Exercise 1
;Pullups (use bands if needed) in 20 seconds do as many reps as possible and take a 10 seconds break. Do a total of 8 rounds. Total of 4 minutes.

Scoring - what ever your lowest rep in any of the eight rounds is that will be your high score. So if in one of the rounds you only do 5 reps then that will be your score for the workout.

- 10 burpees

- Exercise 2 Deadlifts;
Men 135, women 65; tabata deadlifts, do as many as you can for 20 seconds, 10 second rest, continue for 4 minutes. Again your lowest rep in any of the eight rounds that is your score for the round. Go to your knees if you have to.

Have a great workout and weekend!! Let me know your times... Stay tuned for more workouts Monday!

1 comment:

  1. While I haven't tried one of these KILLER workouts yet, I have been taking tips from you. Most recently, using a timer and trying some Tabata intervals with my kettlebell workouts and planks too. They're great. The intensity levels are up in the workouts and I can tell a difference.

    Thanks for posting these! Keep 'em coming!
