Workout for Wednesday

Happy Hump Day! Here's your workout for today:
Bench press & Lat pull downs or pull ups
(with weight)

15, 10, 5, 3, 1
= these are the reps you will do for each exercise. Every new set go heavier on the weight. If you fail to get the correct number you need to redo the set.

Word of the day is = ACCOUNTABILITY:
I teach my kids that they have to take responsibility for everything that happens to them. What does Accountability mean to you?


  1. I am so sore!!! Going to take it easy today but looking forward to this wod tomorrow!!!

  2. Bench. Pull ups with weight
    minh 159/Joe 210
    15=.155 lbs/155 lbs 20lbs/Body weight
    10=.175 lbs/185 lbs 30lbs/body weight
    5=.205 lbs/205 lbs 50 lbs/ body weight
    3=.225 lbs/225 lbs 60 lbs/ 20 lbs
    1=.245 lbs/295 lbs 80 lbs/ 30 lbs
